Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label internet. Show all posts
  • Wednesday, February 07, 2018

hack down router login via Linux --Abdullah Mahmood

we're going to take a hack at our own wireless routers to see just how secure they really are. I'm using Linux Mint and THC Hydra, a brute-forcing tool.

Step 1 Download & Install Hydra

First we need to go to the Hydra website, download Hyrda, and get everything configured. In this article, a "cmd" refers to a command that has to be entered into a terminal emulator.
  1. Download Hydra from THC's website.
  2. Extract Hydra in a nice location.
    cmd: tar zxvf hydra-7.1-src.tar.gz
  3. Change to the newly made directory.
    cmd: cd <new directory>
  4. cmd: ./configure
  5. cmd: make
  6. cmd: sudo make install

Step 2 Use Hydra on Your Router

Now we're going to attack our routers. The default IP/URL to reach it at will be, so test that address in a browser to confirm it. If you get a dialog box, you've reached your router. This is running HTTP basic authentication.

Commands & Configuration

  1. cmd: xhydra
  2. Enter as your target.
  3. Use http-get as the method.
  4. Port 80.
  5. Pick a word list saved on your computer.
  6. Click start!
Congratulations! See how easy it can be? A router won't block out requests normally, either. So someone could brute-force you for days upon days. Change your password to something greater than 12 characters

  • Wednesday, May 17, 2017
see the password of connected wifi BY Abdullah Mahmood

Have you ever gone to a friend's house and not asked for the Wi-Fi password? Probably not, and the same can likely be said of any friends that come over to your place. But the actual act of sharing Wi-Fi passwords is still incredibly clunky, and it's particularly hard if you have a nice and secure password with uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
To help with this process, developer CrotaNexus has released a free app that lets you view the passwords for all of the Wi-Fi networks you've ever connected to on your phone. You do have to be rooted to use this application, but you'll be able to see saved Wi-Fi passwords on almost any rooted device, then easily share them. CrotaNexus has also created a thread on XDA where you can provide feedback and report bugs, so be sure to check that.



Step 1: Install WiFi Password Viewer

To begin, install WiFi Password Viewer (ROOT) from the Google Play Store by tapping the following link from your Android device.
see the password of connected wifi BY Abdullah Mahmood

Step 2: View Saved Passwords

After installing, just launch the app and tap "Grant" on the Superuser request so that the app can read the save file where your Wi-Fi passwords are stored. From there, tap "OK" on the popup, then the app will automatically display a list of passwords for all of the networks you've connected to before.
see the password of connected wifi BY Abdullah Mahmood

see the password of connected wifi BY Abdullah Mahmood

see the password of connected wifi BY Abdullah Mahmood

see the password of connected wifi BY Abdullah Mahmood

see the password of connected wifi BY Abdullah Mahmood

If all you wanted to do was see passwords for Wi-Fi networks you've connected to in the past, then you're all set. But if you'd like to share any of these passwords with a friend to allow them to join your local network, then there's just one more step.

Step 3: Share Passwords Easily

To share any of the passwords shown on the main screen, simply tap an entry in the list. From here, you can either copy the password to your clipboard or share it using any app that's capable of accepting text input. There's also an option to generate a QR code, and if you select this one, your friend can use their own phone (and any QR-scanning app) to scan the code on your screen, which will then allow them to see and copy your Wi-Fi password.
see the password of connected wifi BY Abdullah Mahmood

It doesn't get easier than that, now does it? Remember, with great power comes great responsibility, so share your passwords carefully.

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