Showing posts with label facebook tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label facebook tips. Show all posts
  • Saturday, February 24, 2018
embed Facebook comments - Abdullah Mahmood

Wanted to add facebook comment plug-in into your website or blog, so people can comment directly into your post. Without signing into 3rd party website. Well I'm here buddies, customized template is here:

Just paste it into your entire HTML or you can add it from post to post, its upon you :-)  

<div class="fb-comments" data-href="" data-width="300*300" data-numposts="5"></div>

Add your blogs/website in href="

Everyone uses Facebook almost daily. When you embed Facebook comments, you end up using the viral nature that Facebook has built into the comments. When people comment on something, it shows up not only on your blog but also in their news feed. Their feed gets viewed by a lot more people. Most of the times their friends are likely to be completely unaware of your website. So what this does to summarize is ‘it puts your website in front of new audience’. This new audience has a high probability of having similar interests as the person commenting on your blog. This further adds to the likely hood of you getting a new returning visitor.
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