Showing posts with label Success. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Success. Show all posts
  • Wednesday, December 14, 2022

 What is success? Is it an expensive car, a big house, an expensive lifestyle? Can success in life come from lots of money?

success is yours, just be polite with everyone

 I got the answer from Islam. According to Islam, a peaceful successful life is when God's creation is not angry with you. Allah is pleased with you when people are not harmed or disturbed by you. Islam says that the contented person in life is one who does not have the habit of accumulating more or spending more. This person's heart is satisfied. We often see that people who spend a lot of money on a house, a car, make their life a part of a show off. 

 Their goal in life becomes to collect as much money as possible. The real purpose of life that Islam tells us is to meet and talk and laugh with our parents, siblings, relatives and everyone.

 Islam is the religion of nature. Islam is a code of life that helps us in every difficulty of life and answers every question.

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