Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Fungi That Eats Plastic Found in the Ocean: A Ray of Hope for the Planet?

The discovery of plastic-eating fungi in the ocean offers a remarkable glimpse of nature's ability to heal itself, bringing optimism to the global fight against plastic pollution. This finding suggests that Earth has its own mechanisms for dealing with the environmental destruction caused by human activity, particularly the pervasive issue of plastic waste.

Plastic Pollution: A Global Crisis

Plastic waste has become one of the most significant threats to marine life and ecosystems. Each year, over 8 million metric tons of plastic enter the oceans, where it can take hundreds of years to decompose. It chokes wildlife, poisons food chains, and contributes to the destruction of marine ecosystems. Despite global efforts to reduce plastic use and improve recycling, the scale of pollution remains overwhelming.

However, a new discovery has sparked hope: scientists have identified fungi in the ocean that can break down plastics.

The Discovery of Plastic-Eating Fungi

In recent years, researchers have found certain fungi with the extraordinary ability to break down and consume plastics. A group of researchers from China and Pakistan, led by Dr. Yue Zhao and Dr. Muhammad Iqbal, discovered this type of fungi in the coastal waters near Karachi and the Pacific Ocean. The fungal species Aspergillus tubingensis was first found to degrade plastic in a landfill, but further research revealed that it also thrives in ocean environments.

Aspergillus tubingensis can break down plastic in a matter of weeks, as opposed to the centuries it takes under natural circumstances. This discovery could provide a natural and sustainable method of reducing plastic waste.

How Do These Fungi Work?

The fungi secrete enzymes that chemically break down the polymer bonds in plastics. Once the plastics have been broken down into simpler compounds, the fungi can absorb these materials as nutrients. Unlike conventional recycling, which involves complex industrial processes, this biological method works in natural settings, without requiring human intervention.

This biological degradation holds great promise for combating the massive accumulation of plastic in oceans and landfills alike. Though it won't be an instant solution, it offers a powerful tool to supplement current waste management efforts.

Earth's Self-Healing Process?

The discovery of plastic-eating fungi is a reminder of the planet's incredible resilience. In many ways, Earth has evolved mechanisms to repair and regenerate itself when environmental crises arise. While human intervention has accelerated the rate of pollution, these fungi present an example of how nature can adapt and counterbalance the negative impacts.

The presence of these fungi in the ocean is a signal that, given the right conditions, Earth can fight back against even the most destructive human activities. These findings add to growing research that showcases nature’s remarkable ability to evolve in response to new challenges, such as the discovery of  Ideonella sakaiensis, a bacterium capable of digesting PET plastics, another hopeful development.

Challenges and the Path Ahead

Despite this promising discovery, there are still significant hurdles to overcome before plastic-eating fungi can be used on a large scale. Researchers must study how these fungi can be harnessed without disrupting delicate marine ecosystems. Additionally, developing effective strategies to deploy these fungi in the fight against plastic pollution will require time and collaboration between scientists, governments, and industries.

Earth's Self-Healing Process
However, the potential for this method to alleviate some of the harm caused by plastic waste cannot be ignored. If we can work alongside nature to amplify its natural healing processes, we may be able to reverse some of the damage caused by decades of unchecked pollution.

  • Friday, December 22, 2023

Some students recently asked me, "Sir, what is success?" I replied with a simple idea: "For some people, success is having a lot of money. But how much money is enough? That's a tricky question because there seems to be no end to it."

However, I believe success is more than just money. In my view, it's about achieving the things that truly matter to you. If you work hard to make your heartfelt wishes come true, that's success. I want to emphasize that these wishes should be yours, not something you copied from someone else because they seem successful.

Let's take examples like a person who dreams of becoming a writer or opening a café. If they put in effort and see their dreams come true, that's success to me.

I also want to challenge the idea that success is all about money. It's a bit like a bottomless pit – the more you have, the more you want. I've never met someone with a million dollars who says, "I don't need more!"

To put it simply, success goes beyond money; it's about making your true dreams a reality. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, "To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded."

So, success is not just about the zeros in your bank account but about living a fulfilling life pursuing your genuine dreams. As Henry David Thoreau wisely put it, "Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." It's in the journey of following our passions that we often find the real meaning of success.

What is Success? -Abdullah Mahmood
  • Friday, December 08, 2023

June the twelfth, a blackened stain,

A love once bright, now drowned in pain.

Her vows dissolved, like morning dew,

Left me shattered, emotions askew.

In shadows deep, my heart does weep,

A tale of love, now lost so steep.

Seven years, a bond so tight,

Vanished like stars in the cold, dark night.

December's chill, my soul does shiver,

A cruel affliction, my heart's river.

Blood pressure rises, a silent storm,

7 years crumble, a heart forlorn.

MBA books, a heavy load,

Lecturer's role, a path I strode.

Juggling dreams with the weight of despair,

A broken soul, gasping for air.

In the labyrinth of sadness, I roam,

No comfort found, a heartache's home.

She was my sun, my moon, my all,

Now darkness reigns, a somber thrall.

Now let the words in Arabic flow,

تعرف القلب الألم الذي يكمن في الظلام

سبع سنوات من الحب تختفي كظلال الليل البارد

الثاني عشر من يونيو، يوم أسود يرتسم في حنجرتي

وعودها تتلاشى كندى الصباح، تركتني محطمًا في الألم

وها أنا اليوم، تاسع من ديسمبر، تمتلكني أمواج من ارتفاع وانخفاض ضغط الدم

الدورة الأخيرة لدراستي في إدارة الأعمال، ولكن لدعم نفسي، أنا هنا أيضاً

محاضر في جامعة، روتين صعب حتى وأنا مكسور

لا راحة، فقط حزن يعصف بي ويتسلل إلى كل خلية في جسدي

كانت لي كل شيء، لم أتخيل يوماً أن أعيش بدونها

تمنعني والديها من الزواج، وهي توافق وتتركني

وفي لغتي الأم، اُردو:

تاریخ جون ١٢، ٢٠٢٣، یہ میرے زندگی کا سیاہ دن

سات سالوں کا تعلق، چمکتی محبت کا خواب، اب راتوں میں ڈھل گیا

میرے دل کو چھوڑا گیا خیالاتی، صاف اور روشن محبت کا دشمن

دسمبر کی سردی میں، میری روح ہلکلے سے کانپتی ہے

خود زخمی، دل کا رقیب، خوابوں کی کتابوں کا بوجھ ہے

محاضر کا کردار، راہ جو میں چلا رہا ہوں

خوابوں کی بہتانیوں کے ساتھ، ایک ٹوٹا ہوا دل، ہوا میں چیختا ہوا

افسوس کے لیے جدول میں گھیرے ہوئے، میں گھومتا ہوں

کوئی ارام نہیں ملتا، دکھ کا گھر

وہ میرا سورج تھی، میرا چاند، میرا سب کچھ تھا

اب اندھیرا ہوا راج کرتا ہے، ایک خاموش غلبہ

• عبداللہ محمود •

  • Monday, November 21, 2022

 How is today? How to tell how today is!

Today is a sad and emotional day. It's cloudy outside. The weather is like rain but it is not raining. In the clouds the mood is sad and in the rain the mood is somewhat happy.

Library Window

How is it that our emotions are also controlled by the weather? Right now I'm sitting in the library reading a marketing book on my laptop. whose paper is two days later. Looking at the weather outside the library window.

I have put hands free. And listening to Ennio Morricone's tune Cinema Paradiso; A very sad song from a great movie; A future idea comes to my mind on such occasion.

At the same time, on the other side, far away from here, what will another young man be doing? And what must he be thinking? Every person has his own story and his own life. Every human being has his own goals and desires. In such a situation, only one prayer comes out from my heart to God.

O Allah! Make all our unfulfilled desires not unfulfilled but fulfilled, Amen

A laptop, Notebook, Water & Biscuits

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