Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
  • Saturday, March 17, 2018
India is worst country to do business In - Abdullah Mahmood
Basically this is technology website, But on the other hand it's my blog too. So today I'm going to review an argument "INDIA IS THE WORST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD" Is it? Lets find out....

There are 3 main (headings) reasons:

  1.  Religious Violence
  2.  Worst Place for Women
  3.  Environment Violence 

Religious Violence :

In 2007 and 2008 there occurred a massacre of more than 100 Christians and torching of thousands of homes in Orissa and Karnataka.

Sikhs Burn Indian Flag and Demand End Of Indian Occupation On Khalistan

Ananya Bhattarya claimed in his article published in Quartz, April 14, 2017 that India is the worst country in the world for religious violence.

 According to civil rights groups there is an extensive list of brutalities in the name of religion in India. For instance, the killing of at least 2,000 Muslims in Gujarat in 2002. According to Human Rights Watch, the violence in Gujarat in 2002 was pre-planned, and the police and state government participated in the violence.
     Tens of thousands were displaced from their homes because of the violence. According to New York Times report, witnesses were dismayed by the lack of intervention from local police, who often watched the events taking place and took no action against the attacks on Muslims and their property.

Hindu citizen burning Indian Flag
A Hindu citizen burning own flag due to killings of medical students in university in India

Most troubling is the role of the BJP in religious violence in the country. The party has been complicit in many incidents of religious violence, especially against Muslims. The historical development of the BJP is intrinsically tied to its minorities, especially Muslim, populist bashing catering to its Hindu nationalist base. The development of the party took place because of this stance against minorities, especially Muslim.

Later, the BJP achieved its first absolute majority in parliament in 2014 and Narendra Modi became prime minister. Since then he has actively promoted Hindu nationalism and has started to implement the BJP’s Hindutva agenda.

India And Women:

I will discuss women status in India from her birth:

A girl is born. Or is she? Some of India’s provinces have among the most extreme male-to-female sex ratios in the world. I was just in Mumbai, one of the world’s financial capitals, where only 860 girls are born to every 1000 boys (there are naturally slightly more girls than boys born).
The convergence of discriminatory norms for son preference, the threat of economic ruin for families facing dowry debt, and the accessibility of technology means Indian families are aborting girls right and left. On a global level, the World Bank’s 2012 World Development report estimates that there are nearly 4 million “missing women” each year, more than a third of which is due to son preference and sex-selective abortions.

Teen Age:

Then there’s the prospect of child marriage lurking round the corner. Roughly ten million girls are wed before the age of 18 around the world each year. Child brides are less likely to receive a full education and have skills to support themselves, and severely more likely to die in childbirth as their own bodies are still developing.
Though country rankings for child marriage tend to focus on percentage of child brides of overall population (India is 4th at 64.5% of girls married before 18), research by the International Center for Research on Women emphasizes the importance of looking at the number of child brides and at-risk girls, where India takes the cake due to its huge population and continued prevalence of the practice.
Millions of women and girls are claimed by India’s huge sex trade, either as prostitutes, or sex slaves–India is a destination, source and transit country for sex trafficking. For prostituted women, the threat of violence, infection and social marginalization is acute.
Rape is the fourth-most common crime against women in India.
According to the National Crime Records Bureau 2013 annual report, 24,923 rape cases were reported across India in 2012. Out of these, 24,470 were committed by someone known to the victim (98% of the cases).According to 2012 statistics, New Delhi has the highest raw number of rape reports among Indian cities.
One of the most infamous cases was 2012 Delhi gang-rape case of Jyoti Singh. She was an internee. On 16 December 2012, while traveling with a friend on her way back from the cinema, she was brutally beaten, tortured and gang-raped by six men in a private bus. On 29 December 2012, Jyoti Singh succumbed to internal injuries she sustained during that ordeal.
Think tanks estimate that only a minority of crimes are reported. In India, a woman can be “shamed” or “dishonoured” if she is the victim of a sexual assault.

Rapes in 2015 (Reported) - Abdullah Mahmood

Kavita Krishnan, secretary of the All India Progressive Women's Association, warned that the figures should be analysed with caution.
"Rape is highly under-reported," she said, but added that there were cases where "consensual elopement is being reported as rape by the parents of the girl.
Rape Map of India

Environmental Violence:

India’s low scores are influenced by poor performance in the in Environmental Health policy objective. Deaths attributed to PM2.5 have risen over the past decade and are estimated at 1,640,113, annually (Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, 2017). Despite government action, pollution from solid fuels, coal and crop residue burning, and emissions from motor vehicles continue to severely degrade the air quality for millions of Indians," said the report.

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