• Sunday, December 18, 2022

An old man carrying a large basket of glassware on his head was going to town to sell. While walking, he stumbled a little and a glass slipped from the basket and fell down... Broke.

Learn to forget mistakes - The Old Man

The old man continued to walk at his same speed as if nothing had happened. Another passer-by who was walking behind saw him and ran to the old man and said: "Babaji! You may not have noticed, a vessel behind you has fallen from the basket and broken."

The old man said without slowing down: "Son, I know."

The passer-by: "He said in surprise, Babaji! "If you know, then why you don't stop?"

Old man "Son, it is useless to stop now for something that has fallen and broken___ 

If I had stopped, would have put the basket on the ground, would have looked at the broken thing that cannot be fixed, would have regretted. Then If I had picked up the basket and put it on my head, I would have ruined my time. I would have done some other damage in carrying the basket again, and the business I had to do in the city would have been spoiled because of regret. 

Son, I broke glass. But  "I have saved myself a lot by leaving it there."

Some problems, misunderstandings, losses and troubles in our life are just like broken glass which we should forget, let go and move on.

Why???? Because these are the burdens that slows you down new troubles surround you.. take away your smile. It destroys the motivation and will to move forward. So learn to forget your worries, troubles and losses and move on!

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