• Thursday, December 15, 2022

 Your friend or relations must be beautiful? What do you think I asked? Well who doesn't like to be beautiful, Abdullah why you even asked it!?

External beauty is nothing.

 I know everyone likes beauty. But if someone is not naturally attractive with facial features, should he be subjected to day and night creams and surgery? Or is it acceptable in society?

 There is a difference between being beautiful and being good human being. External beauty is nothing. If a person is not good at heart. And if a person is not good at heart, he can neither be a good friend nor a good husband/wife. This is the religion of nature Islam teaches us. That he who treats others well is better than you.

 External beauty may rust, but the beauty of the heart and good behavior are the actions that can take us to heaven. Real success is success in eternal life. Make yourself a good person from the heart.

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