• Monday, November 21, 2022

My parents are on a trip to Madinah and Makkah. They have gone to perform Umrah. If I was in Pakistan, I would have gone to perform Umrah with my mother and father. But maybe this beautiful moment was not in my luck yet. Now when mom and dad send pictures to family whatsapp group it looks very beautiful.

Below is the BİLAL-İ HABEŞİ MESCİDİ captured by my mother.


The real purpose of life is to please Allah. That we were all sent to this world of yours, but we did not do anything that you, my God, would be angry with us.

We all make mistakes, but the best option to clean up those mistakes that Allah has given is to repent. And performing Hajj and Umrah. May Allah bless my parents with happiness and good health, Ameen. And may all their supplications be accepted in Madinah, Makkah, Ameen.

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